Advanced Linux Administration & Security


This project builds on Fundamentals of Linux, introducing advanced administration, automation, and security techniques. You’ll explore performance monitoring, scripting, networking, security auditing, and log analysis, equipping you for real-world Linux system management.

What You Will Learn

System Performance Monitoring: Using top, htop, iotop, vmstat, free
Process & Service Management: systemctl, kill, nohup, tmux
Advanced Bash Scripting: Automating tasks with loops, cron jobs
Networking & Firewall Security: iptables, nftables, ufw, netstat, ss
Security Hardening: Auditing with Lynis, configuring SELinux/AppArmor
Log Analysis & Troubleshooting: Using journalctl, syslog, grep

Self-Check: Are You Ready?

Before diving into the lab, answer these:

  1. How do you restart a system service?
  2. What command shows real-time CPU and memory usage?
  3. How can you schedule a script to run daily?
  4. What firewall command would block incoming SSH?
  5. How do you check failed login attempts?

🎯 If you are unsure, revisit Fundamentals of Linux before continuing.

Next Steps

Ready to get started? Access the full lab below:

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