Fundamentals of Linux
The Linux operating system is widely used in cybersecurity and IT infrastructure. It offers numerous security auditing tools not available on Windows. This project introduces students to Linux, allowing them to become comfortable with basic navigation, file operations, and essential commands for security analysis.
What You Will Learn
- Navigating the Linux file system
- Copying, deleting, and moving files and directories
- Searching for text within files
- Retrieving network configuration details
- Editing files using Nano
- Identifying logged-in users
- Writing simple Bash scripts
Virtualization Options
Before diving into the hands-on exercises, make sure you have access to a Linux environment. You can choose one of the following:
- VirtualBox (Recommended): Install and run a Debian VM on your local machine.
- VMware Workstation Player: Similar to VirtualBox but may require a license for advanced features.
- WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux): If using Windows, you can install Debian through WSL without needing a full VM.
- AWS Free Tier: Use a cloud-based Debian instance if you prefer remote access.
- Microsoft Azure (Student Credits): Free VM access for students.
- Hyper-V (Windows Server 2019 Option): If you have access to Windows Server 2019, you can use Hyper-V to create a Debian VM.
Self-Check: Test Your Linux Skills
Before proceeding to the full lab, try answering these:
- How do you display the contents of a file?
- What command lists all files, including hidden ones?
- What is the command to restart a Linux machine?
Access the Full Lab Instructions
Submitting Your Work
- Document your work using your preferred method, such as a markdown report, a PDF, or a structured write-up in a learning management system (LMS).
- Include screenshots or recorded steps to demonstrate completion.
- Submit your documentation via the designated submission platform, such as a course website, GitHub repository, or LMS.