Fundamentals of Linux Lab

Setting Up Your Linux Environment

Follow these steps to set up your Debian system:

  1. Download and Install VirtualBox

  2. Alternative Setup Options

    • Hyper-V (Windows Server 2019 Option)
    • WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
    • AWS or Azure Cloud Instances
  3. Boot into Debian Linux

    • Power on the VM and log in.
    • Open a terminal window.

Network Configuration

Check Your IP Address

ip address show

This command displays network details, including IP addresses and interface names.

Troubleshooting Missing Network Commands

If ifconfig or ping isn’t working, install the required packages:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install net-tools iputils-ping

Basic Linux Commands

pwd  # Shows current directory
ls -alh  # Lists all files with details
cd /home  # Changes to the home directory
cd ..  # Moves up one directory
lsblk  # Lists block storage devices

Creating and Managing Files

touch myfile.txt  # Creates an empty file
echo "Hello, Linux!" > myfile.txt  # Writes text to a file
cat myfile.txt  # Displays file content
mv myfile.txt newfile.txt  # Renames the file
cp newfile.txt copyfile.txt  # Copies the file
rm copyfile.txt  # Deletes the file

Editing Files with Nano

nano myfile.txt
  • Modify text and press Ctrl + X, then Y to save and exit.

Searching for Strings in Files

grep -i "search_term" filename.txt  # Case-insensitive search
grep -r "search_term" /path/to/directory  # Recursive search

User and Process Management

who  # Lists currently logged-in users
pinky -l $LOGNAME  # Displays user details
ps aux  # Lists active processes
kill <PID>  # Terminates a process by PID

Networking Tools

ping -c 4  # Sends ICMP packets to Google
dig  # Checks DNS resolution
traceroute  # Shows network path to destination
sudo route -n  # Displays routing table
ip route  # Displays current routes

Bash Scripting

Writing a Basic Script

Create a script that logs system uptime every 5 seconds:


Add this code:

while true
    uptime >> uptime_log.txt
    sleep 5

Make it executable and run it:

chmod +x

File Permissions

ls -l  # View file permissions
chmod +x  # Grant execute permission to a script
chmod 644 myfile.txt  # Set read/write for owner, read for others
chown user:group myfile.txt  # Change file ownership

Fun Linux Commands

Try these for fun:

cal 04 1887    # Show the calendar for April 1887
rev            # Reverse text input
toilet "Hello" # Print ASCII text in cool fonts (install with apt)
sl             # Watch a steam locomotive run across your screen
cmatrix        # See the Matrix rain effect
fortune        # Get a random Linux fortune message

Submitting Your Work

  • Include screenshots or recorded steps to demonstrate completion.
  • Submit documentation via the designated submission platform, such as a course website, GitHub repository, or LMS.