Network & Vulnerability Scanning
Understanding network security starts with recognizing open ports, running services, and potential vulnerabilities. This project will guide you through Nmap, Masscan, Metasploit auxiliary scanning, and brute-force detection techniques.
Interactive Course Highlights
What topics are covered?
- Using Nmap to scan networks for open ports & services
- Performing high-speed scanning with Masscan
- Detecting brute-force attacks & unauthorized access
- Leveraging Metasploit auxiliary modules for scanning
- Best practices for securing networks
Why is this important?
By completing this course, you will:
- Gain hands-on experience with network scanning tools.
- Understand how attackers discover vulnerable services.
- Learn how to detect & prevent unauthorized access.
Self-Check: Test Your Scanning Knowledge
What command is used to perform an aggressive Nmap scan?
nmap -sS
nmap -A
masscan --top-ports 100
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